Krama - simple tool for conscious consumer

Krama - easier shopping

Barcode checking of goods

Scan items in 1 click

In-app shopping list

All purchases at hand

Unethical companies in App

Search by name

scanned items
purchase lists created
Krama's co-founder

Siarhei Kastrama

App's co-founder

“Krama is a huge community of responsible people in different countries who want to influence manufacturers and avoid businesses, who act unethically or break the law”


How does Krama process data?

Krama processes the barcode for the presence in the database of a code associated with a particular manufacturer. Krama displays an informational message based on the results of a barcode search.

What codes can Krama process?

Krama is able to identify the manufacturer by the international GTIN code, which is a unique product identifier. GTIN - is applied by the manufacturer in the form of a barcode, information about the country of production, manufacturer, type of product is encrypted in the barcode.

Krama cannot decipher the information from the internal barcodes of retail chains, since retail chains encrypt completely different information about the product (manufacturer, weight, price, expiration date, etc.) than in the GTIN code. Encrypted information is non-public and unique for a particular trading network.

What are the criteria for a particular manufacturer to be included in the list?

  1. Support for authoritarian regimes. These are companies that have:
    • business affiliation with persons from the inner circle of the authoritarian regime
    • are directly subordinate to the administration of the authoritarian regime or are part of the structure of the so-called. "economic departments"
    • alcohol and tobacco, created in the territory controlled by the authoritarian regime
    • participation of employees or management of companies in political actions aimed at supporting the authoritarian regime
    • advertising in state media controlled by the authoritarian regime
    • supply of equipment or technologies to the power structures of the authoritarian regime
    • Private labels produced at the facilities of the above manufacturers
  2. Financing of the aggressor state:
    • making profits on the territory of the state carrying out military aggression
    • payment of taxes in the aggressor state
    • profits from sales in the occupied territory
    • R&D in the occupied territory or in the territory of the aggressor state
    • supply of technologies or equipment that can be used for military purposes to the aggressor state
  3. Destruction of nature
  4. Usage of slave labor or violation of workers' rights
  5. Inhuman treatment of animals
  6. Discrimination against women
  7. Use of child labor
  8. Laundering of criminal proceeds
  9. Conflict of interests
  10. International sanctions

What sources does Krama's team use to verify information?

Krama users are directly involved in the formation of the list of enterprises through feedback. All incoming information is checked by Krama's team to confirm the alleged facts.

What sources does Krama's team use to verify information?

All information is verified only from publicly available sources, namely from respected independent media.

What types of informational messages does the user receive?

After checking the product, the user receives an information message, which depends on the criterion by which the manufacturer was included or not in the list. Each informational message is accompanied by an additional color criterion (green or red) for a more understandable perception of the scanning result.

What types of informational messages does a user receive?

After checking an item, a user receives an information message, which depends on the criterion by which the manufacturer was included. Each informational message is accompanied by an additional color criterion (green or red) for a more understandable perception of the scanning result

Will Krama develop further?

Yes, Krama’s team has at least a few areas where Krama could go as the pocket helper needed to become a community of conscious consumers and responsible citizens. One thing we can say for sure is that Krama will keep up with the wishes of its users, because Krama appeared at the request of users and will develop in accordance with the demands of the community!

Follow us on telegram and stay tuned!

Regards, Krama

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